Tensegrity Structured Tower
One Day Model + Photoshop Exercise

Leading up to midterm I was getting exceedingly tired of working on the same project modeling very tedious detail things. I decided that post midterm I would design a tower, render and Photoshop in the course of a single day. I ended up breaking up the going a bit over time as a result of some over obsessing on a few things but other wise I kept to the schedule pretty well.

The first twenty minutes or so was spent sketching the rough idea for the tower. The next the next four hours were spent modeling the structure and surfaces. I bit more detail then necessary I think but It seemed to help. Rendering was quick multi-layer passes without material in just white.

The following day 2 hours or so was spent adjusting the base model renders placing sky and buildings and starting to lay in people and make rough adjustments.

The last day 4 hours was spent tweaking everything adding more bit and cleaning everything up. Then adjusting contrast hue levels and all the like. Over all pretty satisfied with the result except a few things that would have taken too much time to correct but oh well. good fun exercise.