Retro Tension Expressionism
Tensegrity Retro Fit of an Existing Guard Station
Thesis Exercise: Two of Four

Improvement through the addition of support structure instead of replacement and attachment. Using tensegrity as a means of supporting additional function without touching the existing but greatly affecting the existing in many regards.

Taking influence from a sort of retro structural expressive aesthetic using cables and tension in a Rodgers manner. Utilizing only framing members and membranes to accomplish the task of shade, security and signage. Using weights to help counter act movement and cantilevers as well as counter weights for security window closures.

Viewed best from actual perspectives. There is something about seeing this in perspective that is far more pleasant then from a distance. Normally a guard station is usually only seen in a car and out of a booth window. In this regard it makes sense to design with this in mind.

Less satisfying then perspectives in some instances as the scale seems a bit out of proportion from the front and rear but remarkably thin from the side. over all the proportions still seem right. Even though the cables seem in excess they really are not given load and the need to support position in three dimensions from three posts.

Secondary Station
Since the first station was at the entrance I felt the need for it to have greater presence. This station however is in the back and is manly the central guard station that would have surveillance equipment. I decided to be more restrained and limit the exercise to only a canopy from a single large mast and re-skin the booth in a translucent membrane exposing the wood framing.

Fairly Straight forward design. A single asymmetrical mast the ties back to two existing pylons. Membranes are stretched and folded to create the surface. A central X frame is used a base for the membrane.